“ELKO” is a scripted hour-long TV series set in Elko, Nevada where Henry (60’s) moves to investigate the grisly murder of his brother Glen, a dead-beat drug addict con artist.

Henry – a former Palm Springs cop – was forced to retire for doing the right thing…in the wrong way. Heart of gold with a bit of an anger issue. He’s grown tired and lonely as he watches the world change around him.

And while Henry was never close with his brother (been burned too many times), the sheer brutality of the murder – and the fact that Henry’s a cop at heart, he feels compelled - reluctantly – to help find some closure. Along the way, he meets Safron - a call-girl who always has her ear to the street. While their relationship is rocky from the jump, their walls slowly erode as they get closer to finding out who murdered Glen.

On his journey, Henry tries to cope with his past, as he travels down dark roads in the underbelly of Elko, littered with desperation. Addicts, dealers, thieves, con artists and kingpins – all willing to do whatever it takes for the next dollar. But as they start to discover the true story of his brother’s death, they uncover a much bigger plot that will shake the whole community.


Henry Rogers

Henry is a late 60’s former Palm Springs cop who has seen all the horrible, bizarre and disturbing things that can happen to anyone, on any given day. He’s held on to that energy over the course of his 30+ year career, and it’s taken a toll. He doesn’t have anyone in his life - other than Pam - the women he fucks from time to time. He’s alone. He’s unhappy. He’s stuck.

Henry is a no nonsense type guy. He’s lived a hard life, and it shows in his face. He’s seen war (Vietnam) and he’s seen tragedy. He had a wife – she sucked. And left him once she realized they couldn’t conceive - 40+ years ago.

Henry has always had a strong moral compass; even if following it gets him in trouble. Which is how he got kicked off the force - for breaking the law while defending a young mom and her daughter from an abusive husband. His anger got the best of him, and the man ended up in a coma before passing away. Henry didn’t go to jail, but it was close.

Henry’s relationship with his brother has always been strained. They were never particularly close when they were younger, and the gap widened once his brother started stealing from their parents for his drug and gambling habits.

And while he’s a grizzly old man, we see glimpses of a warm heart - when he sees animals or children. He was a respectable man who believed in hard work and sticking to his word. He didn’t like cheats or liars, or anyone who would put others in harms way to save themselves. 

Woody Harrelson 

Woody Harrelson 

Forest Whitaker 

Forest Whitaker 

Idris Elba

Idris Elba

Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper

Glen Rogers

While Glen is dead, he plays a major role in our story. Whether it’s through flashbacks or old photos, glen was a seemingly happy, charming man. He was tall and good looking in his younger years - when he was just a drinker and gambler. But due to some childhood trauma (and a generation where men didn’t talk about their feelings) his life went off the tracks, and things got dark quickly. He never stayed anywhere too long, and was only in Elko for a few months before his life came to an end.

His character develops as our story evolves, and we learn that maybe he wasn’t as bad a guy as Henry painted him to be. Just a man that was dealt a bad hand when he was a young impressionable kid. His path led him into a compromising position with an influential politician, which was the ultimate reason for his death.

Sam Rockwell

Adam Driver

Adam Driver

Casey Affleck

Casey Affleck


Safron is a woman of the night. Contrary to popular belief, being a prostitute in Elko is not as glamorous as it may seem. And while she’s in her 30’s, she looks older. She has her own tragic story that led her down this path; mostly the fact that her mother’s first love was smack. After life in foster care and orphanages, she developed a thick skin and a knack for staying alive.

Even though she’s been written off by the rest of society, she has a sweet heart and a real skill for finding out information. She never slept with Glen, but she knew of him. She knew that he was constantly making enemies, and getting his ass kicked; so his brutal death was of no suprise.

Her relationship with Henry starts off rocky, but over the course of time, they develop a quasi co-dependent relationship. And while they might not always see eye to eye, they do need each other for one reason or another. And she becomes an integral part of the investigation.

Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

Riley Keough

Riley Keough

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Nicole Beharie

Nicole Beharie